Welcome First Time Claimant!

If you have never claimed SR&ED before, you came to the right place. CrossDynamix will help you navigate technical eligibility of projects, tax schedules, CRA policy, and the Income Tax Act (ITA) to ensure the best chance of success.

We'll begin by collecting some preliminary information.


Contact Info

Initial qualification of eligibility by one of our experts is performed free of charge and under no obligation.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address

Company Info

The SR&ED benefit is dependant on the structure, size, industry, and location of your company.
Company Name
# Employees
FYE Month
Is your company a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC)?

Research and Development (R&D)

SR&ED is often viewed by the CRA as a sub-set of a larger R&D or business project. SR&ED is distinguished from R&D by establishing a technological uncertainty (TU), systematic investigation or search (SIS), and technological advancement (TA).
What is your total R&D spend per year?
How many candidate SR&ED projects?
Salaries / Wages?
Contract Payments?

Supporting Evidence

Supporting evidence for your claim, even though the law does not require special purpose documentation, is critical during CRA's assessment.
What types of evidence do you have?
 Project planning documents
 Records of resources allocated to the project, time sheets
 Design of experiments
 Project records, laboratory notebooks
 Design, system architecture and source code
 Records of trial runs
 Progress reports, minutes of project meetings
 Test protocols, test data, analysis of test results, conclusions
 Photographs and videos
 Samples, prototypes, scrap or other artifacts


Thank-you. That is all the information we need for now!

A CrossDynamix representative will be in touch with you within 1 business day.
We will email you a confirmation of the information provided.